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This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
Other Membership Information
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This is sample error message
Other Organisation Memberships (non-Rotary)
This is sample error message
Rotary Melbourne Sponsor (if known)
This personal statement below sets out (a) my reason(s) for wishing to join Rotary Club Of Melbourne, (b) a description of my vocation or profession and (c) what I may be able to contribute to the activities and projects of the Club.
This is sample error message
If additional information (e.g. CV) is available to support this Expression Of Interest, please atttach it here.
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This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
This is sample error message
If there is any matter in your biography that might affect your potential eligibility for active membership under the criteria set out above please disclose by attaching it in a separate document marked “confidential” addressed to the Chair of the Membership Review Committee.
The Membership Review Committee will confidentially review the matter disclosed in all the circumstances to determine whether the matter affects present fitness for membership.
Failure to disclose a relevant matter may itself be grounds for termination of membership.
This is a success message